The Adventures In Christian Writing Group

The Adventures In Christian Writing Group

Saturday, May 15th at 9:30 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, Fl

Clayton Life Center – Room 312

(Building on the corner of Magnolia & Jackson)

The speaker for this month is Heidi Alfonzo.  Heidi teaches writing to inmates and will share with us how she began this endeavor and the what’s and why’s of how she teaches it.

The writing assignment for May is to describe the bag you carry with you most, telling what you carry in it and why, and making it into a story.  350 words or less, double-spaced –Bring a copy to turn in after you have read, 10 with line numbers if you want to submit it to the workshop group that will follow the meeting.  Anyone who has done the assignment is welcome to read it to the group. 

Come Write with us.  It won’t be the same without you!


106 East Church Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone (407) 423-3441