Support Bridge Eight and 15 Views of Jacksonville

bridge-eight-300x3001 15 views of Jacksonville

I can’t say it any better than this excerpt from a post by A.A. Rypkema: “Here is your chance to be a part of something unlike anything this city has seen before. [15 Views of Jacksonville is] Jacksonville’s FIRST anthology of short fiction set IN Jacksonville, by authors FROM this city, labored over for over a year so it could be given to this city by the good people at Jacksonville’s longest. standing. independent. small press, Bridge Eight. They’ve got $4,693 to go on Kickstarter, and only 12 more days to do it. Don’t yawn over this one. See it through. And kindly share it.”

Click the link below and pledge what you can, folks. Every little bit helps, and adds up quickly. Thanks!…/15-views-of-jacksonville-shor…