Evelyn Alfonso to read at JaxbyJax Student Showcase

Evelyn Alfonso

Evelyn Alfonso is a senior at Douglas Anderson School of The Arts. If you see her in public, she is probably holding her beloved cat, Simba. Her hobbies include watching corny rom-coms, lying in bed all day, and cracking people’s knuckles. Her dream career is being a physical therapist with posters of poems on every wall of her office. She hopes that poetry can provide people a catharsis they need for healthy recovery. Today, she is the Poetry Editor for Elan International Literary Magazine.

We are delighted that Alfonso will read to us at the JaxbyJax Student Showcase at 1:30-2:30 PM on Saturday, October 13th at Women Writing for a Change, 1610 Osceola Street, in the historic Riverside section of Jacksonville.