Silenced in Eden

Jacksonville author Jo Lloyd Johnson writes:

Silenced in Eden is my story, and maybe it is your story. 
CDC states that 1 in 4 girls experience Childhood Sexual Assault.
*Fast Facts: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC
I am the unlucky 1 in 4.
I was born into a fundamentalist Christian commune in California. The
world was introduced to me as black and white. Everything was right or wrong; good or bad. And I was bad.

When a child is told that they are born sinful and worthy of Hell, they
tend to not like themselves. If that child is abused, they tend to hate

When that child hits puberty and is told that their value is determined by never being touched, they believe they have no value.

I am that child.

I spent most of my life trying to earn worth. But when I became a mother, I could not look at my child as I looked at myself. She was perfect. She was worthy.

Slowly, she changed my black and white world into a world of vibrant
colors.  Silenced in Eden is my journey into a new world-one without
patriarchy, dissociation, self-hatred, and sexual shame. As I began to
question my indoctrination, I uncovered the details of my childhood
sexual abuse and how it played a role in my view of myself and the world around me. The book describes my faith deconstruction and journey to

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