Dorsey Craft to grace JaxbyJax

Dorsey Craft is the author of Plunder (Bauhan Publishing 2020), which was the winner of the May Sarton Poetry Prize. She is also the author of two chapbooks: The Pirate Anne Bonny Dances the Tarantella (Cutbank 2020) and My Football Team is Winning (EAT 2023). Her poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in Blackbird, Copper Nickel, Pleiades, Ploughshares, and Poetry Northwest. She teaches composition and creative writing at University of North Florida and serves as Assistant Poetry Editor for Agni. She also organizes the Dreamboat Poetry Series with Jessica Q. Stark in Jacksonville, FL. 

Craft will read at 1:15 PM on Saturday, December 2nd at the Main Auditorium F-128.

JaxbyJax Literary Arts Festival X, a celebration of Jacksonville Writers Writing Jacksonville, will be held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, December 1, 2, and 3, 2023 at FSCJ’s Kent Campus, 3939 Roosevelt Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32205.

JaxbyJax is grateful to our generous sponsors: FSCJ, Alternate Roots, Mellon Foundation, Ford Foundation, 904WARD, Chamblin’s Bookmine and Uptown Café, Jacksonville Literary Arts Alliance, Bab’s Lab, JaxPsychoGeo, San Marco Books and More, Scribbles, and Brad Kuhn & Associates, LLC.