MAD about Words | Poetry Alchemy with Susan Lilley

Poetry Alchemy V: Diamonds and Rust with Susan Lilley

“Avoid idleness. It is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals” –Voltaire

During April, National Poetry Month, Susan Lilley has vowed to write a poem every single day, along with some poet friends around the country. This will take nerves of steel and willingness to try anything on days when the muse is on break and there are way too many other things to do. A situation which, ironically, often leads to the best ore for a real poem. Along the way she will collect the best tips and exercises she discovers for the May workshop, and pass on the best-of list. Four exercises during our time together will lead, potentially, to four finished poems. And you’ll have plenty more ideas to take with you.

Note: Participants are asked to bring two books in their possession on any topic—biography, history, cooking, science, psychology, whatever, just not poetry. Curious? Come try some new and mind-opening exercises and make May a poetry extravaganza.

Susan Lilley is a Florida native. She is the 2006 co-winner of the Yellow Jacket Press Chapbook contest for her collection Night Windows. In 2009 she won the Rita Dove Poetry Award and was a recipient of a Florida Individual Artist Fellowship, as well as winning honorable mention in the annual Passager poetry contest. She was an Associate Artist at Atlantic Center for the Arts where she studied with the poet Diane Di Prima. Her most recent and forthcoming publications include The Southern Review, New Madrid, The Florida Review, Poet Lore, CALYX, Minnetonka Review, The Apalachee Review. She has a Master’s Degree in English from the University of Central Florida and an MFA in Creative Writing from Stonecoast at University of Southern Maine. She taught literature and writing at The University of Central Florida for twelve years, and she currently teaches at Trinity Preparatory School in Winter Park, Florida, and is an adjunct professor at Rollins College.

When: Sunday,  May 16, 2010 from  11 AM to 3 PM

Plan on staying after the workshop for wine, cheese, and chat with Susan Lilley and your fellow poets. It’s a Poetry Alchemy tradition!

Details:  MAD about Words | Poetry Alchemy with Susan Lilley


Alarm by Jerry Hooper
"Alarm" by Jerry Hooper

Darlyn Finch was honored to be invited to participate in Transformations, A Creative Convergence of Poets and Artists, sponsored by the Florida Institute of Technology.  Dr. Edmund Skellings, Poet Laureate of Florida, is Honorary Chairman of the project involving twelve pairs of collaborators.

Darlyn’s partner was Melbourne painter, Jerry Hooper. The exhibition of created works was on view at the Brevard Art Museum April 17 – June 6, 2010.

Listen to Darlyn Finch read her poem “Alarm.”

Tom Thorspecken Sketches Darlyn

© Thomas Thorspecken, Analog Artist Digital World

Sketch artist Tom Thorspecken captured Darlyn Finch writing at her dining room table. The hands across the table belong to fellow poet Brad Kuhn, on one of their writing date nights. When Darlyn writes alone, she does so at the antique writing desk, a family heirloom,pictured behind her in the sketch.