How to Commit the Perfect Murder (On Paper)

Crime Novel

Join the Florida Writers Association on  Wed., August 5th at 6:30 p.m.! Kristin Durfee, CSI and author, will: 1) teach you correct types and terminology of firearms, 2) tell you what the crime lab does, and doesn’t, do, and, 3) how it all ties together in court and in your book. Durfee says, “Don’t risk throwing your reader out of your story because an incorrect term was used. Learn how to properly write about firearms, the laboratory’s role in solving your character’s death, and how to accurately portray courtroom testimony with an expert witness.”

The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Rik Feeney at

Directions to the meeting: (University Club of Winter Park – 841 N. Park Ave. – Winter Park, FL 32789)

From I-4 East or West, take the Lee Road exit and head East toward the Atlantic Ocean. Lee Road will dead end at 17-92 (Orlando Ave.) where you will make a right turn, and then get immediately into the left turn lane to make a left on Webster. Follow Webster through a light at Denning, then another light at the railroad tracks, and then you will come to a stop sign. Stop, then before the next stop sign (which is Park Ave) you will turn left into the University Club. Park your car in the grass, and then walk up the ramp to the side door. Enter and keep going to your left inside to the library where the meeting is held.